Is Jesus Just One More god That We Serve?
I love traveling, and on this particular day it seemed as if we’d been traveling for hours. Peering out the bus window, I caught glimpses of a security fence and yellow warning signs that screamed of danger - and hidden land mines! We’d only been in Israel a few days, but it all was starting to feel really normal. Crazy as it might sound, it was just as common to see a camel at a gas station as it was to see an armed soldier. We even looked down into Syria one day, standing atop of the Golan Heights. That was totally surreal! Israel, it’s a land of vast beauty and a land that is in constant turmoil. Our next stop was filled with beautiful greenery and flowers. It was gorgeous, especially since it was in such stark contrast to the miles of desert we’d just passed through. We walked down a little pathway and found a rushing stream that glistened in the sunlight. It was so inviting, in fact, that I just had to take a shoe off and dip my foot into the water. It was super cold, but ...