Thankful For The Gift of Prayer
“Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.” Isaiah 58:9 This past week has been filled with many answered prayers. Some I couldn’t share with others, some I was able to rejoice with others in. What an amazing gift God has given us in the gift of friendship and conversation with the Almighty! And, to be able to go directly to Him through His Son, Jesus, is beyond wonderful. There are no busy signals, empty texts, lost contacts or dead air spaces to deal with. He listens at any time and no matter what our mood. He just loves to hear from us and to share His heart with us as well. Through scriptures, songs, nature, friends, pastors, Bible studies and even children. Prayer – the gift of intimate conversation with our Creator and Savior. What a blessing we have to be thankful for each and every day! My devotions this morning were a compilation of Scriptures and they reaffirmed all that God had been sharing with me in the...