What’s The Best Resolution?
MarketWatch.com posted “Five of the Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions” this week which included resolutions many of us have promised ourselves we’d work toward or at least gave it a good try – for a week or two. The most common resolutions that were shared by those who were interviewed were Getting healthy Getting organized Living life to the fullest Learning new hobbies Spending less and saving more We’ve probably all had one of those resolutions as a life goal at some point in time. But, did you know that statistics say that only 8% of people will actually follow through on their resolutions? Wow! That’s a bit depressing, don’t you think? And, perhaps that is why I rarely make the traditional New Year’s resolutions for self-improvement. Now, I don’t think there is anything wrong with setting personal goals. There are times when it is wise to strategically create a starting point to jump start a self-improvement plan or to amp up the effort given to change a habit....