
Showing posts from October, 2017

Is It Really Possible To Love Our Enemies?

My life is a simple one compared to many who suffer around the world. I do not have to worry about those who might threaten my freedom or inflict bodily harm against me. My enemies are not defined by race, religion, politics, age or gender. So, who are my enemies? My enemies are those who love to push my buttons. They believe they are always right. They are self-centered and love to win – at all costs. They aren’t able (or willing) to let ‘bygones be bygones.’ They have either hurt me or those who I love. They are exasperating, manipulative and refuse to compromise. They confuse me and cause me great distress until I finally identify them for what they are – my enemy. Jesus challenged the disciples and all those listening to the famous ‘Sermon on the Mount’ with these words. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Ma...

The Battle Is The Lords – With or Without Us!

Sometimes we get in the way of God’s work. We don’t mean to. We may not even know that we’re complicating life. We’re well-intentioned, hardworking, conscientious and responsible. Dependable is our middle name. But when all is said and done, God doesn’t need us to fight His battles. He’s got it! It’s a tough balance. Knowing when to press on, to persevere and pray through. Or, when we should just be still. Still. Do we even know how to be still? Psalm 46:10 begins with this statement, “Be still and know that I am God.” We could spend days considering what our lives would be like if we fully embraced those words and learned to slow down and truly trust that God has it all under control. We can gain great comfort in that knowledge, but to further understand how amazing that reality is we must look at the verse in context. The psalmist actually begins by stating that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. ” The words, “Be still” now gain a far deepe...

I Hated Poems About The Pastor’s Wife…

...until this past year. For years and years, I have steered clear of the cliché comments, poems and stereotypes of pastors' wives. Why? After hearing that I was engaged to a soon-to-be-pastor, I received a poem from a ‘well-meaning’ friend. It was an absolutely horrible poem about what life would be like when…   Trustees or church family entered our home unannounced and whenever they pleased Our future children would be held to a higher standard than others, aiming toward near perfection   My husband would never be truly available to love and cherish me. Why, oh why, would anyone ever think that this skewed version of ministry and marriage was true? And if they had found it to be true in a season of ministry, why would they saddle a newly engaged and eager bride with such a death sentence - of dreams and marriage. This well-intentioned friend had totally missed the mark. The poem wasn't funny, and it was filled with tainted truth. It scared me to death and infuria...

Every Day is a Good Day to Celebrate!

Woo hoo! Today is officially Pastor Appreciation Day! …as well as National Fluffernutter Day and National Pierogi Day. Sad to say, I missed a great opportunity to celebrate yesterday as it was National Frappe Day. Who knew? According to there are a lot more things we can celebrate this month! October 10 – National Cake Decorating Day & National Angel Food Cake Day October 12 – National Farmer’s Day October 13 – National No Bra Day (Ha!) October 21 – National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day October 22 – National Mother-in-Law Day (Uh oh!) October 28 – National Chocolate Day October 30 – National Candy Corn Day October 31 – National Carmel Apple Day & National Knock Knock Jokes Day The list of holidays is quite extensive, and I’ve only listed a few of the specific dates in October set aside for recognition and appreciation! I didn’t even dare take a look at November and December – yet. However, it would be great fun to take a year...