Serving Tired or Tirelessly?
Recently, this question was asked of me: "In what capacity of ministry could you serve in almost tirelessly if God were to open the door?" Almost tirelessly...hmmm. That is a hard question, because I think I've been in a cycle of some state of tired for a few months now. (Thank you very much, COVID-19!) Oh, I still have moments of celebration and joy, and I still see the blessings that God brings daily into our lives. But, when everything is said and done, we've all been living under extra stress - because we've all been dealing with something that we've never experienced before, and we don't know when it will end. Perhaps, you’ve had some special months this year to rest and reflect, be with your family, do a DIY project and spend time in God’s Word. Or, maybe your reality has been that you’ve been giving 100% since March 2020. Your job is more than demanding, your virtual world is anything but easy to navigate, you can’t work from home and you need c...