Just Thinking About You Makes Me Smile!
Who is that person in your life
that makes you grin from ear to ear when you just think of them? The memories are so sweet! Who is the one that represents the enthusiasm and love expressed in The Message
version of Philippians 1:3: “Every
time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God”?
Who are the ones who prayed for you? The ones who taught you God's Word? Those who brought you a renewed sense of hope and purpose? The ones that you knew would
always love and care for you - no matter how bad you messed up? Those special ones in whom
you can't help but “break out in exclamations of thanks
to God”?
And…when is the last time you
spoke to them? Perhaps you touch base each Christmas or they are a part of your
life each and every week. A mom, a grandma, a teacher or a friend? Or, is it
someone who you haven’t thought of for years, but when God brings them to your mind
you know you owe them a debt of gratitude? I love the way The Message phrases the
rest of this familiar passage from Philippians 1…
“Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you
with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us,
believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to
the present.” (v. 4-5)
- A memory, a trigger, a prayer!
- Praying with a glad heart!
- Partners in proclaiming God’s
Do you have a face yet - a name
that popped up in your mind? Who are those special people who've partnered
with you in ministry? Who invested in your early
years – in life, in college, in marriage, in parenting? Maybe a
special Sunday School teacher, Children’s Church worker, youth pastor, Bible
School leader, after-school counselor?
Are they still alive? If so, I encourage you to specifically take time this season of Lent to share your words of gratitude with these special people and in your “exclamations of thanks to God.” What
a great time to thank those who brought you closer to the cross! But, maybe you can't see them in person. The distance is just too far, and they're not tech savy enough to connect face-to-face online. A phone call or a note can work just as well! Worried you'll choke up with emotions if you call them? Or, not good with words? Don't let that stop you either. There are so many ways to share our hearts with others. Here’s a
letter written by Dawn Schulz (web link listed below) that might give you some simple ideas to help you get started. Pick out a phrase or two that you relate to and share it with those special people in your life.
“I’m not exactly sure where to start. I have so
much to say…I just can’t let another day go by without saying, 'Thank you!' God
has used you in so many ways to shape the Christian woman I am today. Words can
never express how grateful I am to Him for the gift of you…You have shown me an
example of what it is to be a Christian woman because you have followed the
example of Christ…If 'actions speak louder than words,' your life has been a
megaphone. I’ve watched you make wise use of your time for the benefit of
family, friends, and God’s kingdom of believers. Often that meant sacrifices of
sleep, resources, and personal comfort. But that didn’t matter. You did it as
if serving the Lord…You also knew the best way for me to learn would be to
invite me into your life instead of watch as an outsider. The thing is, I’m
pretty sure you didn’t even know you were doing this.”
Mix and match one of Dawn's phrases with a favorite Scripture or purchase a greeting card with a message that speaks from your heart. Bottom line: Anything sent with love works! Get creative; just don't allow the process to become a stumbling block. Allow your 'glad heart' and appreciation for those who invested in your life to pour out of your mind and heart to bring a sweet blessing into their life this Easter season!
Even if the special ones in your life are no longer on this earth, take time to thank God again for their impact on your life and in your heart. Consider sharing your words of gratitude with their child, their spouse or their grandchild this season. Or, simply take time to reflect on their investment in your life and faith as you celebrate the gift of redemption through Christ and new life in Christ.
So, who has been the ‘megaphone’ of
faith in your life? Take time to share your love with them, pray for them, rejoice
in their life and celebrate the fact that you’ve been able to
partner with them in the Gospel - even up until the present.
…and if possible, do it face to
Letter Excerpt by Dawn Schulz (https://wels.net/thanks-for-the-guidance)
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