Our Methods May Change, But Our Message Is Timeless!

Since the first Easter morning, the Good News of Jesus Christ has been spread near and far. Peter, ‘The Rock,’ focused on the Jewish community and the grace and freedom they could find in Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law. Paul dared to follow Jesus’ example by inviting Gentiles to also live beyond the barriers of culture and custom. Over the centuries, the methods that have been used to share the Gospel are countless and will hopefully continue to change for years to come.

Bottom line, whatever method is found to effectively share the Gospel (within reason, of course) is worth trying. In John 14:6, Jesus is quoted as saying that He is "the way and the truth and the life." That part of the verse and message our world may even now be willing to accept, but rarely do they want to embrace the rest of that verse. "No one comes to the Father except through me.” That distinction affects the eternity of today's generation and those to come. 

"Wow! The Good News in Four Words" by Dandi Daley Mackall is an awesome new resource that I recently discovered. This book is creative and colorful, and just as promised, it uses four simple words to help kids of all ages memorize the plan of salvation. Here's a sneak peek of their rhyming lines to whet your appetite -

1. Wow!
Then, Wow! All God did was say, “Let there be light!” He called the light “day,” and the dark he called “night.” The world God created was perfect and right.

2. Uh Oh!
Uh Oh! Along came the snake, who was bad as could be...

3. Yes!
Yes! But God had a wonderful, masterful plan…

4. Ahh!
Ahh! Our life is in Jesus, our very best Friend. He’ll always be with us, right up to the end. For we have the Spirit he promised to send.

These are just a few lines found within this eye-catching little book. One great way to share the Gospel - in 4 simple words. But there’s more! 

Dare2Share has a whole different way to share the Gospel - in 6 words. The target audience for this method is geared toward older students - and even adults - and it uses an acrostic of the word GOSPEL. Entitled "Life in 6 Words," this teaching acrostic is just the beginning of the creativity available. You’ve got to check out the video – a RAP – that is amazing! (No, I’m not into rap, but this is an exception! If only I could memorize all of it too!)

Here’s the acrostic -

G - od created us to be with Him.
O - ur sins separate us from God.
S - ins cannot be removed by good deeds.
P - aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
E - veryone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.
L - ife with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

It’s worth your time and energy to check out these links and then pray about how you can incorporate them into your life and ministry!

Here’s the link of the video –

And, here’s the link for the expanded version of the GOSPEL –

The countdown is on. We have to keep sharing the good news to our lost and dying world!

“Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

We have the most amazing message to share to a world that is constantly searching for a sense of purpose and hope. Maybe one of these resources can help you, your small group or your church be even more effective in your presentation of the Gospel in your community – and even to the lost that may be right in your own church family.



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