Until God Opens A Door, Praise Him in the Hallway

Is it the influence of our ‘me-centered’ society or just the reality of our humanity? The tendency to look toward and anticipate the next big thing on the horizon is all too common – even for the believer. Our intent to walk carefully on the path of healthy pursuit can easily get muddled by the whispers of selfish ambition and pride. We dream of achieving a long-desired goal, and we wait impatiently for enough wiggle room in the budget to buy that special something. There is always something bigger and better to work toward.

Opportunities abound in our world, and we are bombarded daily with fun ideas, interesting destinations and creative ways to organize our homes or spice up next week’s menu. Juggling the many demands on our calendars takes a healthy dose of planning, patience and grace. We do our best to meet the needs of those we love without neglecting the demands at work or our husband’s desires. We have a heart for the unmet needs at church, yet know that there is only so much of us to go around.

We look for God to open the doors of opportunity for us, and yet, we desire to live in the ‘sweet spot’ of life way too often. You know that place – where things come easy and we feel good about ourselves. We dream, we hope and we pray for God to make a way. A new job, a new house, a new friend or a new car. Too often, between the dreaming of tomorrow, the drama of life today and the praying for grace to make it into the future our priorities shift. We begin to focus on the waiting instead of on the One who knows what lays ahead of us.

So, when I recently saw a plaque saying, “Until God Opens A Door, Praise Him in the Hallway,” I had to take a moment to absorb the wisdom in those words. Until – that is an undesignated period of time, right? Likely longer than we would choose if we were in control of the situation. And, then – who do we see opening that door? God. Yes, we all desire for God to show us the path to the next plan He has for us. But, how often do we find our hand on the door handle – anxious to move forward. It is a very tricky balance. Moving forward in obedience while not rushing ahead of God.

Before considering this cute and catchy phrase, I have tried to practice the discipline of waiting on God. I’ve prayed for patience, for guidance, for perseverance, for contentment, for wisdom and for peace. I’ve trusted in God’s perfect timing, and I’ve glimpsed into God’s grace when He steered me clear of a situation.


I don’t believe I’ve ever specifically thought about the value of “Praising Him in the Hallway.” What a great word picture to help us change up any period of waiting in our life! When we choose to praise God our focus immediately swings back on course. Circumstances dim. Dreams fade into the distance. We gain full confidence, once again, that God knows what is on the horizon and which door is best for us to walk through.

His ways are so much wiser than our ways. His plans so much more secure. He is the ultimate One who knows how to think ‘outside the box.’ God’s resources are unlimited, and His sovereign perspective is beyond anything that we could ever hope to understand or comprehend.

As I hear the whispers of the world encouraging me to push harder, dream higher and pursue more, I pray that I will be able to balance my personal dreams and goals with my ultimate desire – to be right in the middle of God’s will. And, while I wait on God to open the next door in my life, I pray that I will be faithful to praise Him in the hallway and wherever my day may take me.

He is worthy of all our praise!

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.” Psalm 145:3



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