I’ll Go Where You Send Me, God!
Driving down the road, I was laughing hysterically as tears rolled down
my checks. If anyone would have seen me, I think they would have wondered if I
had ‘lost it.’ But, no. I had totally ‘found it.’ I found the answer to a
question many of us wonder about. Where will God send me? We say – and mean - things
- I want to be used by God.
- I told God, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
- Use me, God.
- Show me where you want me to go, God.
- I’m willing to go to the ends of the earth...with a restriction like “without snakes, please!”
My laughter came bubbling to the surface that day as God showed me that 90% of the time when I'm thinking - ‘Whatever you want, God’ - I'm actually translating that to include a huge life change or that a relocation plan is imminent. While I know missions can mean local or foreign, my mind goes directly overseas. My brain goes ‘exotic’ or at least across one state line. And, all this, without any
intentional dreaming on my part.
But, why did the absurdity of my reality cause me to laugh
hysterically? Because when I say “Use me, God.” or “I’m willing, God.” I’m
never – or rarely – picturing that to take place in my own church or community.
That’s totally ironic, and a little sad to admit. God sent us to this church
and community many years ago. Perhaps that is still where I am to be ‘sent.’ He
is using me - right here, and right now. And, that’s all right!
So, now the question becomes “Am I willing to serve here?” and “Am I
willing to do whatever God asks of me right here, right now?”
After that cleansing soul cry of laughter, joy and understanding, I
now try to refocus my thoughts intentionally. When I sing songs like “I Will Go” (Big Daddy
Weave), I try to visualize what that might look like in my home town, in my home church
and in my home. I don’t have to wonder or dream of where God may send me next.
Instead, I can rejoice in the fact that God sent me right here!
How about you? Are you willing to embrace this statement of faith from “I
Will Go” in your life today? It just may bring you to tears – and laughter!
I will go where You send me
To the ends of the earth
Just say the word and I'll go
I will go where You lead me
I'll follow Your heart
Wherever You are
I'll go
“Now may the God of peace…equip
you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is
pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.
Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21
If you’re not familiar with “I Will Go,” I encourage you to take the time to check out the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP6L2J6MCoU ... and start dreaming with God!
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