
Thanksgiving. The season of giving thanks. It is a holiday that is beginning to disappear in our society. The celebration of Thanksgiving can look very different in our homes.

  • When I was growing up, my family celebrated by bringing together the extended family for a feast.
  • In my husband’s family, time off of work and school gave the opportunity to go hunting with uncles and cousins. A meal with turkey and all the trimmings was often just a way to keep fueled up for the next hunt!
  • For millions of others, Thanksgiving Day is a time to indulge in a delicious meal followed by crowd-pleasing ‘game day’ snacks and football.
  • And, admittedly, I have been known to spend the final hours of Thanksgiving searching for the best early bird  ‘Black Friday’ deal.

Even with all these activities, there are many opportunities for us to have thankful hearts. The things that occupy our time on the last Thursday of November each year has little to do with how FULL our hearts are in thanks giving to God.

My challenge to you (and me) this month is to really take time out to THANK God. Below is a list of topics to jump start your thoughts of thankfulness. It’s easy to share a prayer of thankfulness. But, that’s not what this challenge is about. It is about taking time to actually celebrate the good things that God has brought into your life this year. Where have you seen Him working? What have you been negligent to appreciate in the fast-paced nature of our lives? What areas of your life has He allowed to be turned upside down, but He has carried you through?

Check out the list. See what jumps out at you (or what else God may bring to mind). Jot it down on a note, or put it in your daily ‘reminders.’ Find a great image to post on your bathroom mirror, on your desktop or on your social media page that portrays the area (or areas) that you want to purposefully be Thank-FULL for this month.

Giving Thanks For…

Family - past, present and future
God-given talents and abilities used at work or beyond
The Basics - food, shelter and clothes
God's Word and the ability to have a Bible at our fingertips each day
Our church
Our country
Our partnership in foreign missions
Technology - and the ability to keep us connected to those we love
Opportunities to spread the Gospel message near and far
Freedom to worship
The sacrifice God gave to us in sending His Son for our atonement
God’s eternal love and faithfulness!

Psalm 136 is a great psalm of remembrance and thanksgiving. It begins like this -

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.” 

How will you ‘Give thanks to the Lord’ this month? It is an opportunity too amazing to let get ‘gobbled up’ by the busyness of life and preparations for the Thanksgiving holiday.

To get us started, here's a word of thankfulness - for YOU!

I thank God for you! For the gift you are to your husband. For the gift you are to your church. For the gift you are to the Gospel message. For the time and talents you faithfully share in the fellowship of believers, in your community and with your family. I thank God for your life and all that He has created you to be. I thank God for your witness of God’s lovingkindness as He transforms you into the image of His Son. I thank God for you, and I am so thankful that “His love endures forever” no matter what we may face in the days ahead. You are a gift from God, and I am thankful for YOU!


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